So instead of getting ready to head to Anchorage today, I spent the afternoon with camera in hand hoping Leinna would roll over from her back to her stomach.

Her first trick was to use the toy to launch herself over on her side, then she thought it was funny that she couldn't go further- almost like the toy had stopped her.

So I took the toy away to see what she'd do. Here I think it looks like she's thinking about what to do.
However, she was content to lay on her side and suck her thumb. I watched this routine for hours this afternoon- just hoping to catch the moment on the camera. Oh well, she has fun rolling up on to her side now.
Still hoping to head to Anchorage tomorrow- we have quite the storm happening so not sure if the ferry will run tomorrow or not. Hope everyone who follows this is doing well and gearing up for the holiday season! I couldn't believe when I walked into the grocery yesterday and saw Christmas decorations out and Christmas candy! What happened to Thanksgiving? Oh well- I love this time of year and preparing for the holidays- plus it also means I'm getting closer to heading to South Dakota! Okay- I'm just rambling now, must get some sleep.