Well, our first week back after being in Anchorage was a busy one. Above, Leinna is sporting her new coat we bought for her. I was just amazed that most 9 month items are too small for her and 12 month items should fit at least a month or two. At her check-up the doctor even said, she won't be a small girl! That's for sure!!

Leinna also decided to let me know what recipe she wanted me to cook. This is an old cook book that I rarely use recipes out of, so I let her have fun ripping out the pages. She would laugh every time she got a page out and I would ask her- are you sure you want this one? She would throw the page on the ground and go to the book to tear out some more!

Saturday morning as Leif was grinding his coffee and I had water going for tea, we looked over and Leinna had pulled a coffee mug off the shelf. I guess she wanted her morning cup of joe too!

This weekend Leinna also discovered the stairs. She didn't climb them, but discovered the art of being able to pull herself up onto her knees. Before long she'll be pulling herself up to walk along the furniture. Whew- it's a whole new level of energy to have a child that is independently mobile now!!

Finally, after a very busy week, Leinna and I found ourselves with colds. Papa has the magic touch when it comes to helping Leinna fall asleep.