A week ago today- almost to the exact time- we completed our trip to Fairbanks. We left Cordova at 3:45am to head down to the ferry. Leinna decided this was fun to be up this early and didn't fall back to sleep until 9:45am. We did see a whale's tail breach the water about 3 times- that was pretty neat. The drive to Fairbanks was good. Leinna was a trooper and didn't get to cranky until about the last 50 miles. We did see some nice caribou near Denali. When we arrived at Grandma and Grandpa Jacobsen's - Leinna was ready to explore. However, about an hour later, she realized she was tired. After a good nights rest- Leinna was ready to show Grandma that her house is not Leinna proof!

I was hiding under the kitchen table and calling Leinna's name. Prior to getting her attention, she was busy trying to pull books off of the shelf. Fairbanks certainly has brighter and longer days than we do in Cordova. The temperatures were warm and we enjoyed every minute of it!

I just love this picture. Leinna looks like such a big girl sitting and having a grand conversation with her momma. She really did have a great trip in Fairbanks.
However, the trip home wasn't so much fun. Leinna ended up getting sick. It started with an icky, deep chest cough. She'd been sleeping okay- but would have coughing attacks through the night. We left Fairbanks at 4 am and hit a grouse just outside of Nenana, which cracked the grill on the front of the truck. We also saw some moose- however, Leinna was sound asleep. I think it was easier for her to sleep upright. She slept almost the whole way to Anchorage. Once we were on the ferry headed back to Cordova, Leinna started getting a fever. We had her stripped to her diaper and are very thankful a friend/mother had tylenol to give Leinna. So, after another long trip home, we spent the next two days hanging out at home.

As you can see here, Leinna is feeling much better. Her personality is back and no more fever. She still has the icky cough, but is doing so much better. I just wish she'd start eating better. Instead of taking her full bottles and solid food, she's only eating 2-4 oz at a time and refusing her solids except for these rice puff snack things. Oh, the joys of being a new mom... if it's not one worry, it's another. Did I mention Leinna also has 3 new teeth! Poor kid- sick, mouth hurts, traveling for 12 + hours... but we survived. We hope everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend- even if it's almost a week later :o)