January 28th marked Lukkas turning 10 months old. My oh my where does the time keep going? Seems like we were just bringing him home from the hospital and now we are thinking about planning his first birthday.
10 months old and walking! Yep- he took his first steps on Christmas Eve, but since then he'd only 'walk' if we were playing our little game. Well, this week he decided he could stand up in the middle of the floor and just go. He's still got that cute learning how to walk stance: legs pretty stiff and hands straight in the air for balance. I had forgot what this new level of mobility means- time to move things up to a higher level. Let me tell you- he is into EVERYTHING! One of his favorites to get into, is turning the knob on Papa's receiver for the TV - oh, how this makes Papa mad and it just makes Lukkas laugh!
So besides the walking, Lukkas loves to say hi, give you a high-five and I swear when he does not know where Leinna is, he says her name like he's looking for her. He's starting to show interests in stories - but if there's a pot to be banged or a car to push around - forget it - he's on the move and making noise.
It's funny how two children from the same parents can be so completely different! Leinna- easy to dress, loved to just sit and look at books or sing songs, loved to go for car rides... Lukkas- might as well declare WWIII trying to get him dressed or change his diaper. The kid just hates to lay on his back - even from birth would prefer to lay on his stomach. So, I'm learning real quick how to dress him while he's standing up versus laying down, hates- oh- just hates to be buckled into anything - high chair, car seat- you name it - thankfully, once he's buckled he settles down - but the process of getting the buckles - whew.... the adult should get an award for accomplishing that feat!

This past week, Papa was out of town for 4 whole days! We all survived and had a fun night of playing with Papa's hats! I tried my best to try to get Leinna to smile- but she wasn't having it. What I didn't realize was how long her hair is getting. We are trying to grow her bangs - we're just at that length where I know if we stick it out a little while longer, we'll have met our goal- but oh, how I want to cut them!
Leinna continues to amaze us each and every day. Her newest things, potty trained (well, during the day time hours), telling you that she lives in Cooh-doba (Cordova), Alaska and that Grandma and Grandpa live on the farm in Win-scon-skin and Pope and Grandma live in Fairbanks. She continues to love doing her arts and crafts, sing songs, take care of her babies. One not so good habit has been chewing on everything. Finally, our day care provider called her a goat- and Leinna said, I'm not a goat! So now when she's chewing on things - we ask her, "Are you a goat?" I just hope that she's not doing damage to her little teeth!
Well that's the update from our little family. Now if we could all just get to being 100% healthy again- we survived the flu but now we have the chest cold. Anyways, so glad to have our Papa home again and looking forward to a weekend full of fun local tradition (Iceworm Weekend) and don't forget about the Super Bowl!