Happy Easter!
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Happy 1st Birthday Lukkas!
Good Morning Birthday Boy!
Thursday, March 28th was Lukkas's first birthday! This is typical of how he greets me in the morning - all smiles with his Tigger and Big Bird lovies in his hands.
The birthday boy spent his day at day care since Momma and Papa had to work and had parent teacher conference that evening. Our day care provider is wonderful and made cupcakes for the birthday boy. We opened a few presents at home that night - and then off to bed. We planned for his birthday party on Saturday.
Saturday, March 30th- we had the official party. We invited friends from work and from day care. It was loud - but everyone seemed to have a lot of fun.
After some light snacks, we opened presents.
Grandma and Grandmpa Emerson Skyped in from Wisconsin to join the festivities!
Our dear friend Shannon and Leif trying to get the fun new toys out of the boxes! (he,he,he)
After presents- time for the big birthday cake moment!
Hoping for the face plant into the cake or a least some big hand full - we all stood watching with anticipation AND...
One finger - one little swipe of the cool whip topping - and that was it. Papa commented that his boy doesn't waste any food!
With a little help from Momma, he did dig in and eat his cake.
It was a very fun afternoon - one special gift from Mrs. DillyDally (a co-worker) is a handmade quilt.
Lukkas LOVED his new blanket - what a treasured item.
Lukkas is weighing in at 24.3 pounds and 30.5 inches tall! He's starting to talk a little more - doggie, Leinna (nay-na) are a few new words in the vocabulary. No more bottles and all sippy cups - even at bed time - thankful for the easy transition. Still no new teeth yet- he's sure working on them though. He loves the song "If You're Happy and You Know it" and loves his wrestling time with Papa after dinner. So hard to believe my Mister is 1 years old - seems like I just blinked and now he's a little boy and not such much a baby. He truly completes our family and is such a blessing.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Spring Break 2013
Spring Break 2013 ~ We decided we just wanted to get out of town and relax before life really gets crazy for us these next couple of months. We headed to Anchorage for the week and had such a wonderful time. It's great that the kids are getting old enough to be able to go do things as a family. Before we left, I took some advice from a recent sermon I heard about asking your partner what his/her expectations are for the trip. Such great advice - since we talked ahead of time what each of us wanted to do while in Anchorage - we were able to manage our time so that all of our "wishes" came true.
First up - was the Alaska Zoo. It was a bit chilly, but none the less still fun. I tried to capture photos with Leinna and the animals, but my phone camera just didn't capture the best images. Leinna can tell you all about the moose, bears, lynx and bald eagle that was as tall as she was! We even saw two tigers. Even though she was a little popsicle by the end, she had a great time! Lukkas- well, he hung out in the backpack and jibber-jabbered all the way. Who knows if he really saw any of the animals - he just enjoyed being outside.
Next up- H2Oasis is a water park in Anchorage. The park has a tot time from 11-2 where parents are free- yahoo! We actually went two different times because Leinna and Lukkas had such a great time. Leinna loved going down the slides and splashing into the water. The water was warm too! What a change from our local swimming pool.
A trip to Anchorage would not be complete without stopping for an ice cream treat. At Leinna's day care, they have a toy set of ice cream that Leinna loves to play. We constantly, and I mean constantly are served pretend pink ice cream. So, when she actually saw real pink ice cream- oh the face she made. I wish I would have had the camera ready then - regardless- you can see that she truly enjoyed eating real pink ice cream!
First up - was the Alaska Zoo. It was a bit chilly, but none the less still fun. I tried to capture photos with Leinna and the animals, but my phone camera just didn't capture the best images. Leinna can tell you all about the moose, bears, lynx and bald eagle that was as tall as she was! We even saw two tigers. Even though she was a little popsicle by the end, she had a great time! Lukkas- well, he hung out in the backpack and jibber-jabbered all the way. Who knows if he really saw any of the animals - he just enjoyed being outside.
A trip to Anchorage would not be complete without stopping for an ice cream treat. At Leinna's day care, they have a toy set of ice cream that Leinna loves to play. We constantly, and I mean constantly are served pretend pink ice cream. So, when she actually saw real pink ice cream- oh the face she made. I wish I would have had the camera ready then - regardless- you can see that she truly enjoyed eating real pink ice cream!
For the parents - Leif made it to the Apple Store and a movie and I wanted to spend quality time with my friend who is battling cancer right now. We were able to see each other every day - such a special treat. I also loved being outdoors enjoying the sunshine. This was the sunset from a walk with our dog Bailey.
It was a wonderful week and we both agreed that while we were busy, we felt relaxed and rested. Our trip home on the ferry wasn't so pleasant - with very rough seas, I was seasick as well as Leinna. So thankful for friends who were on the boat to help Leif take care of kids while I was so sick. I was still rocking/swaying when I went to bed last night and still not quite a 100% today. Once we arrived home- we understood why the seas were so rough...
Yep- Old Man Winter decided he was going to arrive after the first day of spring. Leif spent the day today shoveling us out and we are ever so thankful for a local plowing company that came and moved a bunch of snow for us. Leif says we easily had around 4 feet of snow. It's suppose to warm up this week and possibly rain - it's going to be a sloppy mess.
Well - one more day of vacation and then back to work on Monday. It's been a wonderful week and I feel a renewed sense of energy to tackle the challenges that lay before us. Still no word on interviews for potential jobs- but it's still early in the hiring season. We'll keep you all posted.
Much Love ~ The Jacobsen's
Saturday, March 16, 2013
We've had an amazing week of sunshine! With the time change last week, we are finding ourselves outside playing and dinner is later and later each night. Even Leinna has had a hard time settling down at night because it's been so bright outside.
Snow machining is a must in Cordova - we don't own one, but as we are out walking - we can hear them playing in the snow. If you look closely at the mountain side- you can see the many tracks.

So if you know anyone looking to buy a house - send them our way!
We are on Spring Break and headed to Anchorage for the week. Here's to a busy couple of months ahead - we appreciate your prayers and support as we really have no idea what our future holds.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Future Husband In Training
Before I get into my story about the future husband in training - I must post a few pictures from last weekend. We certainly got outside and enjoyed the weather. One of my favorite places to walk is at Hartney Bay - low traffic - straight road without too many hazards so that Leinna can just run to her heart's content. The view - simply beautiful.
All Leinna wanted to do was sit in the snow and face the sun! My poor Alaska child - if I could only explain how excited she was this past week to see the sun shine so brightly!
Leinna is and has always been a great sleeper. Well, with all our fresh air and sunshine, our mornings were a bit challenging. Typically, I can go in and say, "Good Morning Leinna" and she pops right up ready to start her day. Well, those mornings have turned into a very grumpy little girl saying, "I go back to sleep Momma. (as she covers her face with her pillow and rolls over)." Thankfully, if I leave the room and go pay attention to Lukkas, she's suddenly awake and ready to start her day.
Okay - so the story behind the title, "Future Husband in Training". Leif is out of town and so my weekly bible study ladies graciously agreed to meet at my house so that I could participate. So, as a good hostess - I thought I'd at least tidy up the house a bit - nothing much - quick sweep of the floors and vacuum. Well....
It turned into quite the activity for the kids.
My little future husband in training couldn't have been more happy pretending to sweep the floors.
And check out the angry face when sister wanted her turn. Oh Mister Lukkas - remember these moments, and please- have a fit if your future wife tries to clean the house without you! (ha, ha, ha...)
As we head into the weekend - may your time be filled with love and laughter!
Saturday, March 2, 2013
11 months old!
Mister is 11 months old! I can't believe we'll be celebrating his first birthday soon. He's certainly moved from the baby look to a toddler. Walking is second nature for him now and you can often find him bouncing up and down as his way of dancing. Lukkas has started clapping his hands - oh how I love to watch babies clap their hands. He's got a few words- hi, dada, momma. Sometimes it sounds like he says Leinna and Sarah (our daycare provider). Mister is certainly all boy in the fact that he loves to bang the pots and pans and drive his cars around the house.
Still working on adding more teeth - I swear they should pop through any day now.
Amazed that I was able to get them both to sit on the couch and look at me at the same time -
So silly together- it's really fun to watch them start to play and interact with each other. One of their favorite things to do is play hide and seek - Leinna hides and Lukkas goes and finds her - oh the squeal when he finds her - just warms my heart.
The weather looks promising this weekend - can't wait to get outdoors!
May you have a fun filled weekend!
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