As week 24 begins, I'm still in awe of this whole process. The last two weeks were eventful with baby movement. I must say that when you can see your stomach moving and you know it's not you making your skin move, it's pretty amazing. Every night I've been laying on the couch watching my belly. Leif looks at me like I've lost my mind, but I don't care. I figure when baby number two comes around, I won't have time to just sit and enjoy these moments. Clothing continues to be an issue- especially without a store near by to shop. Thankfully, my cousin who had a baby in November sent me all her maternity clothes! Thank you Renee!!! I still have issues with pants fitting correctly, but at least now I have some shirts that fit.
Since this is the technical start of month 6, I find myself wanting to get furniture for the baby room and get things set up. It's hard living where we do because either 1) the company won't ship things to us, or 2) we don't have ferry service over spring break! Yep- no ferry service and Leif and I were planning to go to Anchorage with the truck to buy some of the bigger baby items. Oh well, it's worked out that I found a used crib in town and that's in really good shape. Now, I need to find something to start storing all these clothes I'm acquiring for the baby. I also find mentally I'm wondering where my future is with teaching. I don't want to be exhausted from working with kids all day to come home and not have any patience to love and be with my own child. I'm sure once baby is here, it's all different. Just something on my mind. I did decide to request to work part-time next year- but with budget cuts and not being a tenure teacher- I have to wait until April to see if I have a job next year let a lone if they'll grant me to work part-time.
Well- enough for now. Time for lunch!!
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