Welcome to the third trimester! Today marks the start of week 28 which officially means I'm in the 3rd trimester. This also means that my new saying is, "I'm ready, just let me go potty first!" I use to pride myself on the fact that I had a teacher's bladder and could go hours without using the bathroom- so not the case anymore! The picture of Leif and I above was taken out at Orca. This is one of our favorite places to walk the dogs. About half way through our walks, I look at Leif and say, "Guess what?" At first he'd ask me what, and now he says, "I know - you have to go to the bathroom again!"
Baby continues to be active and settling into true wake and sleep cycles. I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday and I'll be curious to see how much the belly has grown. As the pregnancy continues, I find myself reflecting on how my life is going to change in just a few short weeks. One of the things I'm challenging myself to reflect on this week is all the things I'm thankful for. Too often I find myself focused on all the negative things going on instead of thinking of all the wonderful things. I'm very thankful that the school is allowing me to work part-time next year and that I will be able to stay in the same position! I'm thankful for the great weather we've had in Cordova the past week. I'm thankful for Leif and the ways he's been changing throughout the pregnancy- don't get me wrong he still has the mind set, 'I see it, I want it, (I'll ask Wendy) and then I'll buy it" but he's changed in ways such as helping me around the house more and doing more with walking the dogs if I'm too tired at night. He is such a wonderful husband and I can't wait to see him as a father!
So happy you were able to go to part-time for next year and stay in the same position! Congrats!