Further update on baby- amniotic fluid was on the low normal range two weeks ago and they rechecked it today and I'm back in the healthy normal range- which I'm hoping explains why I gained 5 pounds in 1 week! AAAHHH!!! I know I shouldn't stress about the weight gain- maybe I just feel guilty because I haven't been eating as healthy as I would be in Cordova. With all the food choices available in Anchorage - not to mention the 3 to 4 times a week trips to Cold Stone Ice Cream- is not really helping... Oh well, right?!?
Leif, soon to be known as Poppa, is anxiously waiting to. He's been caught a couple of times talking to my belly saying, "You could come out any day now..." I've been doing the same thing- especially since my friend we are staying with is getting ready to leave town for a few weeks. I was really hoping she'd get to meet the baby before she left- well I guess a lot could change in the next 6 hours- but I'm not going to hold my breath.
Here's a funny picture of the dogs adjusting to the limited space in the car. My Ford Escape has been the doggy wagon, which means both back seats were down so the dogs had plenty of room. Well, now baby's car seat takes up one of the back seats, so the dogs are learning to adjust to limited space. If you can't see in the picture, Koda (white dog) is laying on Bailey's tail and back legs. Too funny... what's even more funny is when Koda wants to stick his head out the window- he will straddle Bailey- she refuses to move, and Koda doesn't care because he is able to get his head out the window. I really should try to get a photo of this- it's quite amusing to see Bailey laying underneath Koda.
Well, my next blog WILL BE introducing our Little Peanut... or at least I hope! Until then- I hope everyone is enjoying summer!