Today marks Week 38 since I have a new due date of July 1st. Instead of posting a picture of myself, I decided to find something in nature that reflects my state of mind. I love this picture of a swallowtail butterfly- I was able to capture this picture at Sheep Creek Lodge just outside of Willow, Alaska. We took a drive out that way to meet up with some friends of ours who have a cabin and while the dogs were out running around, I saw this beautiful creature just floating along.
That is how my mental state is these days- just floating along like the butterfly. It's challenging to be away from home and just waiting day after day for the baby to make his/her appearance. However, I find my mind floating from thoughts of, "Is there is anything else I could possibly buy for the baby?" to "Am I really ready for this?" to "I can't wait to hold this little peanut in my arms!" In many ways I'm like this butterfly just floating along from one flower to the next.
Baby update is this- we had a doctor appointment today and looks like baby is still facing downward but is still pretty high up. The doctor did say the baby is angled to the right slightly- which would explain why I've been getting sharp pains in my right groin and hip area. Notice the title of this blog, "You still have aways to go..." This was the last thing the doctor said during my appointment today- so not what a 38 week pregnant lady wants to hear- but oh well. I've come to terms with the fact that I can't plan when for sure we will head back to Cordova so I might as well be like the swallowtail butterfly and enjoy my time floating around from one flower to the next.
Time seems to slow when we're waiting...but time will fly when that little viking arrives! Think of you all often...take care!