Hello World! My name is Leinna Daisy. I'm a bit yellow right now because I have jaundice, but I still think I'm pretty darn cute! I made my appearance into the world on July 6, 2010 at 6:36pm. I weighed 8 lbs 6 oz and I am 20.5 inches long. If you notice the blanket I'm laying on- that's the blanket my momma made while she was pregnant with me. It's so soft and I'm sure it'll be one of my favorites!

It's kinda hard to tell in this picture- but I'm giving you my "Pirate Eye!" I often open just one eye and check to see what's going on. My Poppa and Momma think it is pretty funny.
Well- that's about all to report for my short life so far. I hope to be over my jaundice soon so my momma can take all kinds of cute pictures of me!
Welcome to the world Princess Daisy! You are just as beautiful as I dreamed you would be! Tell Mom & Pop to hurry up and bring you home! I can't wait to hold you! Your baby blanket is beautiful...you're lucky to have a momma that knits! ;-)