Monday, December 27, 2010
December 26, 2010- Baptism
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to everyone! We had such a busy few days....
I will post more Christmas day pictures soon.
The excitement continues tomorrow with Leinna's baptism and then on to a busy week before we had back to Alaska on the 30th. So many special memories made today!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
First Tooth!
Discovery of the tooth~ well, everynight before Leinna takes her bath, I take a wet washcloth and rub my fingers along her gums. I had read somewhere that this helps children get use to the idea of brushing their teeth. So anyways- Leinna loves it and on Tuesday night, I noticed a "rough" spot. Sure enough when I used just my finger to feel, and then of course looked, there is a clear, little ridge sticking above her gum line! I was so shocked, and I think I might have a let a little scream out because the next thing I remember is that my mom came into the bathroom and asked what was wrong. So I showed her and she confirmed that yes it was a tooth. I had to hold back the tears as we continued with the bath routine. I knew this day would come, but I guess I was expecting more of a warning. After reading a few things and listening to other parents' stories about their children teething, I at least expecting a little diaper rash and some fussiness. Looking back now, the only thing out of sorts that I can think of as a sign Leinna was teething was the increased drooling for sure, really chomping hard on a few of her toys, really rosy cheeks and a little bit of a rash on her stomach. She still took good naps and slept through night. Feeling very blessed for such an easy going child!!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
New mommy hair do...
Okay- so I know most new mommies get their hair cut after the baby is born. I kept telling myself I wasn't going to do that. However, a dear friend of mine just found out that her 15 month old daughter has cancer. Feeling helpless and wishing I could do something, I decided to go see if my hair was long enough to donate to Locks of Love.
7 inches later
Thinking about going back and getting the back shaped into an A-line type cut. We'll see. Feeling a little lost with out my long hair, but glad to know that it's not just sitting in a garbage can and it will be used to help create a wig.
Thinking about going back and getting the back shaped into an A-line type cut. We'll see. Feeling a little lost with out my long hair, but glad to know that it's not just sitting in a garbage can and it will be used to help create a wig.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Am I still the baby?
Monday, December 13, 2010
First Christmas Tree
We wish Pappa were here with us, but he'll be joining us soon. In the meantime we are having so much fun with Grandma and Grandpa! Oh, and with Cousin Oliver too!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
I found my toes!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
South Dakota Winter
Saturday, December 4, 2010
5 months ago...
I'm just amazed that 5 months ago I was in labor awaiting the arrival of my first child. We were very excited to hear, "It's a girl!" and that she was in good health. The past five months seem like a blur and I can only image when she's turning 18 I'll feel even more like the time passed too quickly. But for now, I will enjoy the new discoveries Leinna makes each day.
Since arriving in South Dakota almost a week ago, Leinna likes to try and sit by herself, but she either ends up leaning so far forward she look like a frog perched on a lillypad, or she tumbles over to the side. She's also still busy trying to figure out how to crawl. A couple of times she's planted her forehead to the ground and then stuck her butt straight in the air! It's so funny and I'm hoping to catch a picture of it. You can be sure if I catch the pose on the camera, it'll be posted here too! Since she hasn't quite figured out crawling yet, she has figured out if she puts the two ways to roll (back to tummy, tummy to back) together she can cover pretty good ground.
Finally, I just had to share the picture below. My Grandma Emerson often makes this face for a variety of reasons and well, it's just funny to see Leinna do this too. We were introducing carrots today and she loved them- despite the face below!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010
South Dakota welcomes us home!
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