Thursday, December 16, 2010

Am I still the baby?

My parents have a rescue dog named Rosco who is truly the baby of the family. Since having Leinna here, he's been a little neglected. Here he's trying to get my mom's attention while she was busy playing with Leinna. Even though Rosco feels left out- he's really good with Leinna.
Yep- finally got pig-tails in! Since Pappa will be joining us in a week, figured we better get the cute girly hairdos out of the way! I think Pappa is a little in denial that Leinna is girl. He better let me do some girly things, otherwise, I fear Leinna will turn into a true girly-girl.

Merry Christmas! Leinna's getting pretty good about sitting by herself. A few times she's even sat up with out her arms on the floor. Good thing she can practice on Grandma and Grandpa's nice soft carpet. The few topple overs we've had would have really hurt on our wood floors at home.

1 comment:

  1. I love the pig-tails! Way too cute! And there is nothing wrong with being a girly-girl on the outside, because we all know she is a Viking on the inside!


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