Tuesday, October 11, 2011

15 months & 15 weeks

October 6th marked 15 months of life for Leinna!

I thought the "independent stage" wasn't suppose to start until age 2, but we definitely have 'little miss thang' ruling the house right now. I love the picture above - looks like she's got so much attitude! We are definitely experiencing some 'terrible two' symptoms. I love it when Leif looks at me and says, "What's wrong with her?" HA, HA, HA!!! Poor Leif has very little experience with young children. I usually reply with, she's testing us to see if she can get her way everytime - so when she throws herself on the floor and screams because she didn't get her way - walk away and don't give her any attention. Leif tells me he's glad I know what I'm doing. HA, HA - again -- if only I did know what I'm doing.

More times than not though we have our happy, smiley girl!

Her 15 month check-up went well. She's almost 25 pounds and 31 inches tall.
Yah, she's no small child that's for sure.

We also celebrated 15 weeks for "Nugget" on October 6th.
I'm already slacking on my photos for "Nugget" compared to my pregnancy with Leinna. I suppose it's due the fact that I'm so tired by the time Leinna goes to sleep - the last thing I want to do is take a picture. Fortunately, I snapped this one before going to work - a rare morning that we had some extra time :O)

Old Man Winter - Just around the corner
Finally - the weather is changing in our part of the world. We had some heavy frost on our deck this morning. While it was a sunny, beautiful day in Cordova, the sun did not hit our deck and we had the same level of frost when we got home. We know it's getting closer to winter when the direct sunlight doesn't hit the house anymore. :o( Although, I'm looking forward to Leinna playing in the snow. She loves being outside and I think she'll have fun playing in it.

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