Saturday, May 12, 2012

Little Miss Diva and Mr Flirt

Many of you that follow our adventures through this little blog, know that Papa is anti-girly-girly things for Leinna. So, when some dear friends of our brought this "Diva" outfit for Leinna, I couldn't stop laughing!!
I have to confess that the feather boa was short lived-
  as it was shedding pink feathers all over the house!

Well, since Miss Leinna had her diva outfit, Mr. Lukkas decided he needed to be entertaining as well. So, you can often find him giving you his little flirty smile :O)  He's also starting to find his voice- I'd forgot how sweet those cooing sounds are. 

When we are not busy being diva's and flirts, we still find ourselves reading books to each other...
and Leinna has decided that a new toy for Lukkas must be for her too!
Even though she's been a bit jealous of items for Lukkas, she is very loving to him - almost too lovey at times.  Above she's trying to share her snack with Lukkas. It was a bit challenging to try and explain that Lukkas was too little for a Cheerio when her sweet heart was set on sharing with him.  

Yep- another injury- at least it wasn't her nose this time!
The picture really doesn't do the goose egg that formed on her forehead justice. Poor girl was walking up the stairs from the pantry to the kitchen and slipped and hit her head on the door frame! OUCH!! It looks much better this morning- but she's definitely going to have a nice bruise. Good thing her bangs hide it pretty well. 

Well, as I sit her and type this, the weather has gone from heavy rain, to very wet slushy snow and then back to heavy rain. The snow is not really accumulating, but still- more snow in May. Ugh...  When the weather gets like this, it makes me want to back my bags and head back to the lower 48 where spring and summer are emerging. Maybe I'll just go take a nap and dream of warm weather :O)

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