Can you believe I'm a month old today! My poppa even let me wear pink today to celebrate :>)
My momma keeps capturing pictures with my eye looking droopy- but it really does open all the way! My newest tricks: smile and it's not because of gas, I get the giggles when I sleep - or so I'm told, kicking my legs so hard that I almost roll over onto my side, and fussing to have my diaper changed and then waiting for the new diaper to do the number 2 in it!
I'm so glad to be home and so thankful for all the wonderful meals friends have brought over. It's also been fun meeting all of momma and poppa's friends. Well world- it's not raining too bad out right now so maybe my mom will take me for a walk. I love being outside and looking at the trees!
Princess Daisy looks beautiful in pink! ;-)