I think this picture pretty much says, "Momma- I need my diaper changed."
So I title this blog entry "Diaper Changing Mystery" for the following reason ~ Tonight I knew Leinna needed her diaper changed but I wanted to go walk the dogs quick and then come back and give her a bath. I didn't want to waste a diaper knowing I was going to give her a bath soon. I asked Leif if he'd be okay keeping Leinna and warned him that she might get fussy before I got back because she needed her diaper changed. He said he'd be fine. So, when I returned from walking the dogs I was getting Leinna's bath ready and noticed that her diaper was clean. I thought to myself- hmmm.... is papa holding out and changing diapers and I don't know about it? I asked him- and he denies changing her diaper- so either I'm losing it, it was just gas that Leinna was grunting about, or Koda/Bailey are miracle dogs that can change diapers.
Hmmm...I know you're not losing it...soooo...my vote is for the dogs! Enjoyed my morning with you and the princess yesterday!