Fall has arrived! While we've been enjoying some great sunny weather, the air has that fall chill to it. The fall season is my favorite time of year! I love when the leaves change colors and the flowers have the faded color look to them. This time of year is also my favorite because school gets started! Since I resigned from my teaching position, I'm finding it a bit strange this fall season. However, I'm enjoying the time with Leinna and teaching her new things.

Leinna celebrated her 2 month birthday on Monday. It's so amazing to watch the new things she does each day. Within the last week or so- she's definitely found her voice. She will tell you stories and jokes (at least momma thinks so). Leinna's stories are when she vocalizes for a longer period of time. Momma even thinks she uses different sounds to convey the different parts of a true story plot. When Leinna tells jokes, she usually squeals at the end of her vocalization to let you know that you too are suppose to laugh.

In addition to telling stories, Leinna also had her well baby check-up appointment today. She's measuring 24 inches long and weighing 12.3 pounds. The doctor didn't have a chart available to show how she's doing compared to other 2 month olds, which doesn't really matter as long as she's healthy right? We're starting to get a morning and night time routine- but the middle of the day is still a mystery as to what to expect. The morning consists of waking up between 5:00 and 5:30- eating and then we read stories and she tells me about her dreams. About an hour to an hour and half later she's ready to take her morning nap. This nap last any where from 2 to 3 hours. After nap she eats again and then we get ready for the day. After this the day is a mystery until our night time routine.

OMGosh ... that photo of Koda with her brings back lovely memories. Hee-hee ... Mr. DillyDally is still worried about her ears! ;-)