As Leinna approaches her 10 week birthday on Tuesday I'm continually amazed at how she changes. Her new tricks include wanting to sit up and hold her head on her own- which she can do pretty well- still has a few weeble-wobble moments. Leinna also is starting to put some weight on her legs when you hold her up to "stand". She continues to bless us each day with stories, smiles, giggles and a plethora of facial expressions. I'm truly intrigued with the infant mind and often wonder what she thinks about throughout the day.

I've been given a great opportunity to work with a few students at the school for about an hour each day and then additional two hours of work from home. So, Leinna tagged along with me on our first day of school as my child care wasn't set up to begin until Monday. Hopefully her expression above will not continue to be her thoughts on school :>)

Leinna's been attending church with me, but this Sunday we started helping with Sunday School again. It was so much fun, and Leinna seemed to really enjoy all the kids.

However, when we got home from church and Sunday School, Leinna was mighty tired and took a nice long nap!
The last bit of news for this update is this:

Could this really be true? My iPhone has an app for weather and I couldn't believe when I checked Cordova's weather for this week and there is predicted sunshine every single day!?! So far today was beautiful so we'll see if this continues throughout the week!
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